3D measurements

3D measurements

We provide measurements to our customers on DEA GLOBAL and COORD3 KRONOS 3D coordinate measuring machines and CIMCORE ARM and FARO ARM QUANTUM S manual 3D measuring arms. The measurements can be provided in manual and CNC mode.

3D DEA Global

  • This highly accurate device, equipped with a rotary head that features a touch sensor, produces a perfectly accurate dimensional description of the part or component being measured. The measurements can be referenced to the input values of either a conventional drawing or a 3D model stored in an electronic file (CAD systems).
  • It is a gantry measuring machine with a measuring range of 900 x 2000 x 800 mm. Its accuracy starts from 2.7+L/300 μm.


  • This highly accurate device, equipped with a rotary head that includes a touch sensor, produces a perfectly accurate dimensional description of the part or component being measured. The measurements can be referenced to the input values of either a conventional drawing or a 3D model stored in an electronic file (CAD systems).
  • It is a gantry measuring machine with a measuring range of 2500 x 2000 x 1500 mm. Its accuracy starts from 2.5+L/285 μm.

CIMCORE Arm 7520

  •  This portable measuring arm has a measuring range of 2 m, with a spatial accuracy of +/-0.023 mm and a point repeatability of +/-0.016 mm.


  • Portable measuring arm with a measuring range of 3 m, spatial accuracy of +/-0.038 mm and a point repeatability of +/-0.027 mm.

We perform measurements of:

  • serial products
  • individual parts
  • castings, weldments, workpieces, mouldings

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Contact us +420 774 111 681

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